Beyond Words provides professional development workshops to primary schools and preschools. These workshops cover fundamental skills which empower teachers support students to reach their potential.
Speech and language abilities are foundational skills for literacy development and educational achievement at school. It is important that we recognise how these skills interact, and how we can provide supports in the classroom setting.
Preschool Presentation (2hrs)
- Speech and language development – what is normal, when and where to refer.
- Supporting speech skills in the preschool environment
- Supporting language skills in the preschool environment
- Setting children up for success with reading
School Aged Presentation (full day, with follow up)
- Development – what to expect by 5 years
- How to administer language screenings and when to refer for a comprehensive assessment
- Language skills in the classroom (crash course on vocabulary, grammar, story telling), and how to support development
- Language links to behaviour
- Using visuals – free resources and guidance
- Speech skills in the classroom (speech sounds), and how to support these
- Students who stutter and the services provided by the Stuttering Treatment and Research Trust.
- Phonological and phonemic awareness in the classroom
- The reading rope – interaction of skills for fluent reading
- Supporting our beginning readers – Systematic Synthetic Phonics and a brief overview of the science of reading
- How to incorporate Systematic Synthetic Phonics into your classroom – plus a guide to free resources you can use right away!

If you would like to know more about Professional Development with Beyond Words Speech and Language Therapy, please fill out the contact form below.